Pioneer Saloon | Brenda Wynn

GREAT FOOD, and GREAT BEER! #happyhour everyday at the Pioneer from 4-7 pm, come on out and unwind with us #beer #specials! Opened in 1913, Pioneer Saloon is the oldest bar in all of the Las Vegas area / southern Nevada! A Nevada historical landmark known for great times, great food, and great music. Seen in numerous films, tv shows, and even featured in a video game! #suburbanliving #realestate #homeownership #homebuying #realestategoals #realestatenews #realestateexpert #realestateadvice #blog #tips #healthyliving #realestatemarket #realestateexperts #instarealestate #myblog #instarealtor #realestatetipsandadvice #lasvegas #hendersonnv #nevadaproperties #brendawynnteam #berkshirehathaway #asktheexpert #realtor #GibsonSpings #gibsonspingsNV #propertyforsale #property #propertylistings #lasvegasnvrealestate #moviningtolasvegas


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