How to Pitch Guides, Articles, and Profiles to Eater Vegas We’re looking for new freelancers to contribute maps and guides highlighting the cuisines and neighborhoods of Las Vegas and Henderson as well as profiles, deep dives, and investigations
Are you obsessed with the dining scene in Las Vegas? Do you have proven journalistic chops? There might be a spot for you writing for Eater Vegas on a freelance basis.
We’re seeking writers with extensive knowledge of the diverse and exciting restaurant scene in Las Vegas and its surrounding suburbs to contribute maps and guides on a freelance basis. If you’ve eaten every birria taco on the eastside, know the Chinatown scene inside and out, or dwell on where to find the best French dip, roast chicken, or vegan food city-wide, get in touch.
We are also actively seeking pitches from journalists and food writers who have deep knowledge of particular food cultures that tend to be overlooked in the Las Vegas media landscape. Think profiles, investigations, or deep dives into a particular food community or cuisine.
We are especially interested in working with those whose voices are often underrepresented in media.
These team members will round out the site’s existing group of writers and photographers. New contributors must be comfortable with learning new CMS/online publishing systems.
If this sounds like you, send a brief email to Janna Karel at with the subject line “Eater Vegas Contributor.” Include a little bit about yourself, any relevant professional experience, and a previous writing sample or two. Links to a personal website and social media profiles are helpful, but the skills you bring to the table are most important.
If you’re serious about getting started, include three brief pitches that you think would work for the site. For those with profile, investigation, or deep dive ideas, flesh out how you see the story developing. If we like what we see, we’ll be in touch quickly.
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